Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Top 20 Photos

I thought I'd share our top 20 photos from our flickr streams.  The top ten from this stream http://www.flickr.com/photos/meekshields/ and the top ten from this stream http://www.flickr.com/photos/lightweaver1/  You are more than welcome to go check out our streams at anytime.  There is always new photographs being added that doesn't always make it over here.

Topeka Depot IMG_9847 IMG_9854 20110118-IMG_3655 IMG_9837 IMG_9809 IMG_9824 Photo WalkingIMG_9848IMG_9843 IMG_0555 IMG_0511 IMG_3003 IMG_3014 IMG_3015 IMG_3006 IMG_3013 IMG_3011 IMG_1280-2 IMG_6474-Mel measures up -010211

Saturday, February 5, 2011

We Were On TV!

So they didn't name us but some of our photos were on TV during the local news cast from the zoo!  Very exciting for us.


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Blizzard of Oz

Today is day 3 of being in the middle of winter hell.  Monday we had icey rain that kept me from going to work. Tuesday brought about a lot of snow and today is supposed to be so far beyond cold it's not even funny and winds blowing a gale.  The last two days both of us have been home.  Here are some photos of me out measuring the snow.

This was at 3 in the afternoon Tuesday. 7 inches of snow.  This is from my iPhone so not a great quality but it gets the point across.

When I headed out three hours later the hubs decided to go out and document that one. 

IMG_6473-Mel measures up -010211
This is me with my tools, a yard stick, cell phone, and my mini LED light.  He had the larger one on the camera.  I must have be crazy.

IMG_6474-Mel measures up -010211

Here is the total at 6:00 PM 9 inches.  I didn't head back out again after this.

On that last outing I was doing my 3 measurements, that is what the weather guys tell you to do, and at one point the hubs asked if we could go in and just measure the line on his jeans.  :)  Well on my short legs it was up to my knees.  It snowed until almost midnight here.  Let's just say I'm tired of the snow.  I want to get out of the house.

You can see the rest of the photos he took here http://www.flickr.com/photos/lightweaver1/sets/72157625957628440/
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